'Zion, however, began playing on youth basketball teams at 5 years old, competing against those twice his age, and he's been playing on the travel circuit ever since. These days, his school season starts in October, then he rolls into summer youth basketball. "This is all he does," Sharonda says, as she watches her son. "He doesn't have time for anything else."'

By: Patrick Radden Keefe   |   The New Yorker   |   https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2006/04/24/the-snakehead
'The moon was full, and about a hundred yards offshore the officers saw a hundred-and-fifty-foot tramp steamer that had run aground. The ship’s deck was crowded with people, and, as the officers watched, men and women jumped over the side, falling twenty feet into the surging waves below.'
A child genius raised in poverty, she wanted to change the world. A horrific act of violence nearly destroyed her.