For decades, casinos scoffed as mathematicians and physicists devised elaborate systems to take down the house. Then an unassuming Croatian’s winning strategy forever changed the game.
As Apple CEO, he has defied his skeptics and refashioned the world’s most creative company on his own exacting terms. Now, in a frank conversation, he offers new insight into his leadership—explaining why he sees himself as an outsider, how he asserts Apple’s values, and what he does to keep from staring at his iPhone all day.

By: Michael Paterniti   |   Esquire   |   May 1998
A two-ounce songbird. A lemon-sized tumor. An imperial appetite for death, flesh, and the immortal gesture. It was time for dinner.

By: Chris Anderson   |   Wired   |   Oct 2004
Forget squeezing millions from a few megahits. The future of entertainment is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the bitstream.
On any given day you may cross paths with someone forced into labor while their trafficker profits. Victims are working in people’s homes and offices, restaurants, construction sites and fields. But too often victims go unidentified, while their abusers avoid justice.