In the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, Border Patrol spent billions on high-tech surveillance. All the drones, cameras, and manpower do little to deter migrants from trying to cross the border — it only makes the journey deadlier.
An estimated 524,000 children work unimaginably long hours in America's grueling agricultural fields, and it's all perfectly legal.
Lewis Hamilton: The F1 Superstar on Racism, His Future, and the Shocker That Cost Him a Championship
By: Chris Heath | Vanity Fair | Aug 2022
The maverick driver can handle anything. But spiders. And traffic.
By: Hannah Natanson | The Washington Post | Aug 2022
'The students wouldn’t hear anything about it in school: State law does not require sex education, and it holds that schools in areas with high pregnancy rates must offer “family life education” focused on abstinence.'
A former journalist, equipped with an algorithm and the largest collection of murder records in the country, finds patterns in crime.
Exploited by apps. Attacked by thieves. Unprotected by police. The city’s 65,000 bikers have only themselves to count on.
A growing movement of artists, designers and city planners is trying to reconsider urban noise not as a ubiquitous nuisance, but as a positive building block for cities where people want to be.
He grew up speaking a language of the enslaved on the shores of Pin Point, Georgia. He would become the most powerful Black man in America, using the astonishing power vested in a Supreme Court justice to hold back his own people. Now he sits atop an activist right-wing court poised to undo the progressivism of the past century. What happened?
By: Ellen Bradbury & Sandra Blakeslee | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | Aug 2015
'Seventy years ago, on August 9, at approximately 3:47 a.m. local time on the island of Tinian, a massive B-29 Superfortress aircraft roared down a tropical airport runway, carrying 13 men and what was then the world’s most destructive weapon—an atomic bomb called Fat Man.'
By: Tomas Keen & Nick Hacheney | The Economist | Aug 2022
Pandemic stimulus cheques created a new class of investors behind bars